In our diet culture, the word discipline has taken on a particular meaning - one of militant, self-denying, aggression.

In the Buddhist sense, however, the word discipline has a completely different connotation. It is not about overriding our desires or rigidly applying rules despite changing conditions.

True discipline is about coming back to the present moment. Again and again and again.

We do this in our meditation practice. We feel the breath and when we realize we've gotten lost, we come back.

In our Intuitive Eating practice, we also come back - to the present-moment body. The body, in fact, ONLY lives in the present moment. Our hearts can only beat now. Our lungs can only breathe now.

Whenever we find ourselves lost in our anxious or controlling minds, ruminating on obsessive thoughts, criticizing our non-compliant bodies - we notice, we come back, we consult our present-moment bodies, asking "What am I feeling? What do I need right now?"

If you can do that (and I know you can), then you can practice discipline.


In Intuitive Eating, obstacles are teachers


Sometimes generosity is about receiving, not giving