Be aware of your constellations.

Deep blue ocean with clouds in the background sky.

Whatever happens in your life, it does not occur in a vacuum. Whatever arises, it may be a good practice to consider your constellations.

What do I mean by constellations? All of the factors - microscopic to macroscopic - that could affect how you perceive what is happening.

As I said, these factors range in specificity from those affecting just you to those affecting everyone on the planet. Here are a few examples taken from the current "moment" we are in:

Global: can we just put out there at the top of the list that there is a global pandemic still very much going on that affects all of us in terms of mental health, access to community and connection, and how we care for ourselves and others?.

How is the collective anxiety caused by the pandemic manifesting in your life?

Geographic: seasons change and these can affect how we perceive our experiences. I have always struggled at this time of the year as the daylight hours get shorter and shorter. As much as I love the fall and winter, my body does not. Right now, everything feels harder. When the spring rolls around, on the other hand, things might feel less heavy and hard.

How does what is happening in your geographic region affect your perception?

National: whatever is happening in terms of politics, social issues, and the economy affects our stress and anxiety levels strongly. In the US the election is coming up and I can feel it's squeeze around my chest. Don't underestimate how national events affect how you feel about your body. When things feel out of control, one natural reaction is to turn our angst inward and clamp down on controlling our food and criticizing our bodies.

How are you processing what's going on in your country? How do you deal with feelings of helplessness, hopelessness, anger, and fear?

Community: how hard your community has been hit by the virus, whether your job or healthcare have been affected, whether your kids are back in school or home schooling - all of these factors can impact stress levels and compound an already difficult time.

What are the specific factors your community is dealing with? How are those affecting you?

Body: how we are able to care for our bodies; our access to food, movement, and stress relief; adequacy of mental health care and more all directly impact how we perceive what is happening.

Are you getting the basics: adequate quality and quantity sleep, regular and satisfying meals and snacks, rest and relaxation, connection, stress relief? Where are you in your cycle?

Becoming aware of your constellations might not make you feel better, but it could help place things in perspective. Remember, everything is impermanent. Somehow we come through on the other side. Awareness of your constellations expands your ability to stay with your experience through all the ups and down.


Get familiar with your disordered eating cycle


Write a Letter to Yourself