Two must-haves to add to your anti-diet library

I'm so excited to share with you the availability of two new books you must add to your anti-diet library.

The first - available immediately - is from Fiona Sutherland, the Mindful Dietitian, and it's called Vitamin A to Z. I love the simplicity of this book and how it helps you build the foundation for a lifelong practice of Intuitive Eating.

Here was my endorsement of this fabulous resource:

Fiona Sutherland is the trash-talking, truth-telling, F-bomb-dropping anti-diet warrior friend you never knew you needed. Her Vitamins nourish not only your anti-diet practice but the plucky, humourous, and fiercely vulnerable view one must adopt to remain resilient in a still-crazy diet-obsessed world. With her own unique take on Intuitive Eating and deceptively simple reflections grounded in mindfulness, Fiona helps immerse you in this practice of gentleness, compassion, awareness, and ultimately liberation.

The second, coming out March 16th, is by Intuitive Eating co-author Evelyn Tribole and it's a daily devotional called Intuitive Eating for Every Day. This is a book like no other. It's like having Evelyn in your pocket to remind you every day how to remain on your unique path of Intuitive Eating. 365 short passages, exercises, mantras, meditations, and contemplations carry you through a full year of Intuitive Eating, whether you're just starting on the path or deepening your practice. I love this book! You can pre-order Intuitive Eating for Every Day here.

As always, I'm sending you love and wishes for confidence and trust in yourself on your Intuitive Eating path.

A bed with white sheets and a book.

On the Intuitive Eating path, there is no moving backward


Ask yourself "How do I know?"