Bucking the system to bring more pleasure and spirituality into your life

Intuitive Eating, Meditation, Mindfulness Jenna Hollenstein Intuitive Eating, Meditation, Mindfulness Jenna Hollenstein

Intuitive Meal planning: 5 lunch ideas

I’ll admit, I was surprised to learn just how many people skip lunch. Whether this is because they get swept up in the momentum of the day, don’t prioritize the time and preparation necessary to have something available or find something nearby, or intentionally remove this key meal in order to restrict, the end result is usually going an unreasonably long time between meals. This leads to primal hunger and is likely to contribute to overeating later in the day and evening, not to mention poor concentration, irritability, lack of energy, and problems with mood during the day.

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Intuitive Eating, Meditation, Mindfulness Jenna Hollenstein Intuitive Eating, Meditation, Mindfulness Jenna Hollenstein

Intuitive Meal planning: 5 breakfast ideas

We're talking about meal planning this month in the Intuitive Eating for Life community and I'm sharing some of my favorite ideas. I actually enjoy cooking for myself and my family but I also get into ruts. Sometimes I need to revisit what I enjoy and what I haven't had in a while to bring variety and interest back into what I'm making. In that spirit, here are a handful of breakfast ideas to add to your rotation. They are by no means "the right thing to eat for breakfast," only a starting point for your own creativity and preference.

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Intuitive Eating, Meditation, Mindfulness Jenna Hollenstein Intuitive Eating, Meditation, Mindfulness Jenna Hollenstein

My meal-planning pyramid (no, not THAT pyramid!)

Meal planning can feel counter to Intuitive Eating. Aren't we supposed to wait and see what we feel like eating the moment hunger arises? Well, yes and no. You can and should respond to cravings in real time but real life is complicated; most of us need to have a general sense of what we plan to eat in order to live our lives efficiently and while caring for ourselves and others. The following is one way to think about meal planning in terms of costs, frequency, convenience, ease, and variety.

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Intuitive Eating, Meditation, Mindfulness Jenna Hollenstein Intuitive Eating, Meditation, Mindfulness Jenna Hollenstein

Nutrition in Intuitive Eating: Practice makes better

Sometimes we can’t help but view something new through the lens of something familiar. Many folks who are early in their Intuitive Eating path think about nutrition as they always have – something you either get right or wrong. The good news is, you don’t have to do that any more. When approaching nutrition in Intuitive Eating, it’s all about practice, small steps, and a lot of noticing.

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Intuitive Eating, Meditation, Mindfulness Jenna Hollenstein Intuitive Eating, Meditation, Mindfulness Jenna Hollenstein

Here are my questions when you say you can't stop eating sugar

In the 70s it was pasta, in the 80s it was butter, in the 90s eggs and red meat, in the 2000s it was bread, and now we have sugar. Big, bad, scary sugar.

As a dietitian, I can see how we got here. How the scientific and media messages around the healthful or harmful potential of foods flip flopped its way toward the vilification of sugar, but it’s still very dangerous to look at foods this way.

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